The FFA AGM held at the Bredgar & Wormshill Light Railway on 21st October:

It rained, as has been usual this year, in fact I think we picked the wettest spot in the country but that did not stop some hardy souls driving their tractors to Bredgar, nor indeed did it dampen our members enjoyment of what turned out to be a very interesting day.
Over 80 members and friends attended the meeting and my particular thanks go to Rodney and Wendy Gibson, Ernie & Hazel Clark, John & Linda Vowell (all Kent FFA Area Reprasentatives) & Stockbury W.I Ladies for the hard work they put into organising the event. It all ran very smoothly which makes some people think that these events just happen. In fact nothing is further from the truth, it is a lot of hard work and needs much organising.
Hazel Looking after the Famous Gibson Baked Potatoe Machine
Members enjoying their lunch
I must say that Bill Best, Bredgar's & Wormshill Light Railway's owner, made us very welcome and the extent of the engineering work preserving the steam locomotives that is done 'in house' was a real eye opener, as one member put it to me this must be "The Worlds Best Train Set".  A statement only partially true, as they were once all working engines or, as Bill described them, the 'dumpers' of their day.
At the meeting reports were given by myself and an excellent report from our treasurer, Jane Broomhall, plus a full years accounts and the first six months of this year. As space is limited this month there will be a full report of the AGM in the next magazine together with news of the FFA's stand at Newark.
After the AGM meeting Bill Best gave a fantastic summary of why he has this collection and how it all started. After Bill it was the turn of the FFA's DVLA Tractor Registration Officer Anthony Patten as he explained to us what his part in registring a tractor was, which forms were needed and some of his nightmares that he has had over his many years in doing this.
I can thoroughly recommend a visit to the site for anyone with any mechanical bent or, is into steam or trains and of course anyone with children, it is a really great day out.
Photos - Ernie

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