The Farm Machinery Preservation Society's Rakky at Long Melford on the 7th and 8th of July

The rally is held on land behind Melford Hall, a really idyllic setting.  Last year was the club’s first attendance and the weather was gorgeous. but this year what a difference; the first day, after rain the previous two nights, turned out well but on Saturday night even ducks needed to take cover!

The Club had its own parade on Saturday, the photographs of this and the FFA display are courtesy of Trevor Burch.
It must have been a heart breaking decision for the committee but the show was cancelled before opening on the Sunday morning.

I must say I congratulate the FMPS committee for sending all exhibitors a warning that if they left the rally before 5pm on the Sunday they would not be invited to attend next year.  I know that some tractor men are guilty of pulling off their pegs a tad early, but the worst offenders must surely be the vintage cars, some of them start leaving at lunchtime. That really is not fair while the paying public are still coming in. Tom Hunt, the tractor steward, told me that a few of them actually sent their entry tickets back!

However I digress. All of Sunday was spent pulling exhibitors off the site and FFA members played their part.
I have to say that the photo is taken at the start, the ‘dry’ bit once over the stream and going up the
other side it was much much worse! Such a pity as this is one of my favourite rallies; my sympathy
goes to the organisers.
Photos - Trevor Burch

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