TVO Licence Information

General Licence to Mix Hydrocarbon Oils

The Ford and Fordson Association have been granted a licence under regulation 43 of the Hydrocarbon Oil Regulations 1973.

This enables the mixing of rebated kerosene with other road fuels (but not red Diesel) for vintage tractor models that were in production before 1960.  Rebated (Red) diesel may only be used in the TVO mixture if the tractor is used solely for agricultural, horticultural or forestry work; rallies, road runs, ploughing competitions, demonstrations and similar activities are not considered to be eligible.

Mixing is only permitted in the fuel tank of the vehicle concerned and is not to be used in any other vehicle.  It is not permissible to mix these oils in bulk for resale. Any instances of misuse may result in the withdrawal of the concession and any breach of thee terms of the licence may constitute an offence.

Members who own qualifying tractors may obtain a copy of the licence that will enable them to mix their own or purchase rebated kerosene from an RDCO by applying to:

The Club Secretary Jane Broomhall on 01379 677866 / 07884 115089
or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

A copy of the licence and conditions will be provided free of charge to members.

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