Netwark Heritage Show

This was the final show of the season and the weather, for once, behaved itself, well nearly.. . . . . .  Saturday was fairly sunny and both days were not too cold. There was certainly plenty to see and we were in a better position than last year. 
Those of you who visited us liked our new marquee and it was even pleasant enough to sit outside with a cup of tea at times - not bad for November.  Many members' tractors were in the Feature marquee and elsewhere rather than on the FFA stand however the prize shelf was not bare as Margaret Badham won 'The best tractor entered by a lady' with her lovely little 1942 Fordson N industrial.
The auction was well attended, as was the Sort out, of course going to look is absolutely essential - you just never know what bargains there are to be had.  I must say that whilst wandering around one of the many things that caught my eye was a Perkins L4 sectioned long ways, I've not seen an engine cut like this before and there was even a hinge at the back!
All in all the show was a good end to a successful year for the Club.
Words & Photo's - Pat Pawsey

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