St Albans Country Show, Oaklands College. 5th & 6th June 2016

This year's show was better organised and a very friendly one. The entry of Ford and Fordson was extremely good, with 22 from a total of 58 entries.

Saturday was overcast, but I understand was enjoyed by all. However, on Sunday the weather changed and suntan lotion was needed! It was very sunny and hot, with queues to all the catering vans. There were 2 Fordson Standards, 10 Fordson Majors, and 5 Dexters.

As you can see from the photos, there was a very impressive line-up with most tractors presented well, with a couple in concourse condition.
The tractors which stood out to me were a Ford County 1124 owned by E Hill, and a Super Major with cab, owned by Jack Vickary.  When speaking to him about the cab, he was not sure where it originated or who built it.
Then there was a Super Major Doe 180 (1975), owned by Mike Sanders. Perhaps the best turnout was a Ford 2000 (1966) owned by Dick Trott.

Next year's show will be the first weekend in June. I would suggest you enter the date in your diaries -it's well worth a visit.

Words & Photos - J Worley - Hertfordshire FFA Area Rep.

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