Club News - No:9 August 2013


"From the Chair"

Can you Help a Member? 
Paul Nicholls would like to trace a couple of Ford 4000s and a 4600 that he used to drive. Shiffnal Farm Services in Shropshire purchased them new from Reginald Tildesley, the 4000 registration numbers are GNT242N & PUJ752M and the 4600 is BAW417T all are still around according to DVLA.  The 4000’s were painted grey & orange with white cabs though that may not be their present colour, the 4600 was in factory colours.  If anyone knows of their whereabouts would they please contact Paul on 07789904156 as he would like, if possible, to buy one to restore.

This Year’s Expo IX 
Was held at The Welland Steam & Country Rally from 26th to 28th July. Firstly I must thank Graham Skittery and the committee of the Ross-on-Wye Steam Engine Society for inviting us and for the excellent facilities that they provided.  Members attending enjoyed the rally; we had an excellent position and were provided with a marquee that made a great focal point with an interesting selection of tractors grouped around it.

Fordson New Major E1A Enthusiasts’ Manual: 
Many of you will have a Haynes repair manual or probably, like me,  several on the shelf. However the modern motor seems to be designed so that much of it is unserviceable; at least without a computer and various very expensive bits of kit, I suspect that this has resulted in falling sales of repair manuals.  Anyway a copy of ‘Fordson New Major E1A Enthusiasts’ Manual’ arrived in my post, it is in hard back book, costing £21-99 with 164 pages, split into ten sections covering the tractor’s birth, development, conversions, implements and much else.  It is well illustrated with a mixture of both contemporary and modern photographs together with numerous tables.  I found a few errors in the text but these are mostly minor and more interestingly a number of things that I didn’t know, all in all a very welcome addition to my bookshelf.
Annie Chapman’s “Pink Ladies Road Run” 
This year was the tenth anniversary of this very worthwhile event that has raised well over £350.000 for research into breast cancer. This is an example of the generosity and goodwill of people interested in our hobby Do have a look at their web site it is a ladies only event so come on chaps either get your own girl to enter or sponsor someone’s else’s it’s all for a very good cause. Incidentally our Treasurer again took part as she always does and very fetching she looks too as Penelope Pitstop if I may say so. 
It’s Showtime:
This is a new event for the Club held at Purleigh in Essex, Conrad Hopkins hosted the FFA stand which won the prize for the best stand, there were some 30 acres for members to practice or just play on, a very worthwhile event for members who want to actually use their tractors.  Conrad has written a very full report with photographs that you can find on our website; I’m afraid that there is not enough space to include it here.

Henham Steam Rally 21st and 22nd September:

This year’s pageant is ….“History of Power on the Farm.  For centuries men and their horses were the only source of power on the farm but how we got to where we are today is the story of our new pageant. We’ll illustrate it with the machines that brought about this revolution.”… and I’m proud to say that the FFA is again involved this year, the organisers have generously again provided us with a marque and we hope to see you there.
The Club’s Annual General Meeting: 
As the Club is now totally independent the constitution needs to be amended.  The committee will prepare a new constitution for members to consider at the AGM, this is an important document and will be sent to those attending prior to the meeting and will be available to view on the web site, so that all members can give their views.

Committee members are elected at the AGM. Anyone co-opted during the year has to be elected at the next AGM if they are to continue to serve, if elected the term is for three years. We are looking for committee members who will give active support to members.  Make no mistake there are no perks, little kudos and plenty of hard work for anyone wishing to stand, I’m not trying to put anyone off, just telling it as it is – the positive side is that you will be working with some good people and make lasting friendships; that makes it all worthwhile in my book.

PS we are still seeking to appoint a Secretary, recognising Rob Rushen-Smith’s notice of 12 months ago.

Some Reminders for your Diaries:

2013 Southern Area Ploughing Championships: 
Will be held over the weekend of 5th and 6th October at Hall Farm, Fornham St Martin, Bury St Edmunds as last year. 
This is by kind invitation of the Ferguson Club and my thanks, in particular, to Henry Castle and his committee who made us so very welcome last year, it is an excellent site. 
I went as a spectator last year and found it really interesting, I intend to take a plough myself this time, I’ve pulled it out of the nettles and just need to get everything freed off. 
Contact Conrad Hopkins on 01621 773592
Will be on 14th and 15th September we are hoping to have a small stand and some members tractors there, but as those who have been will know the area set aside for tractors is limited. 

63rd British National Ploughing Championships

Llanwarne, near Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2 8JH
12th & 13th October 2013

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